Tansen Sangeet Samaroh
check out the complete details on Tansen Sangeet Samaroh. Tan Sen (popularly as Tansen) or God of classical music himself was born in Gwalior ( a city in central India), Tansen is a known figure in and around India for his greats works in the field of North Indian classical music.
No sooner did his talent came into notice than his abilities gained fame gradually from courts to streets, from streets to town, and from town to the entire Mughal empire.
Best known for his composition, musicals, and vocals, Tansen is remembered for his epic Dhrupad compositions, creating several new ragas, as well as for writing two classic books on music Sri Ganesh Stotra and Sangita Sara.

His passing out in 1589 was a major blow in the world of music in India. Just not to preserve what rightfully is meant to be but also to increase awareness of Indian classical music in this decade of rock and pops.
and also to award people who are explore into the classics and exposing the Indian tradition through their talent an event organized annually in the very birthplace of Tansen, Behat village in Gwalior.
The Tansensangeetsamaroh is held from 16th to 20th day of December every year, so it’s a 4-day musical spectacular. Artists from all over Indian are invited to portray their respective talents.
The event is organized near the tomb of Tansen by the Academy of the department of culture, Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Artists from all over India are invited to deliver vocal and instrumental performances. TansenSamaroh is organized jointly by UstadAlauddin Khan Kala Evam Sangeet Academy and Department of Culture, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh (state of India).

The musical maestro seems to have passed but his work and contribution are no doubt eternal. The sangeet samaroh (music festival)is to say that it’s an event for musicians and classical music lovers but unknowingly.
but fortunately is also an annual reminder of the great classical vocals that the nation possesses and needs to be shown to the western world who now rely on mere artificial sound mixes for entertainment.