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Exciting Treditional Madai Festival – The festival that travels

Treditional Madai Festival India is a country with great diversity. It is rich with vibrant culture. The states of India have a lot of tribes;...

Kurumba: The Nilgiri Tribe

Are you looking for Kurumba: The Nilgiri Tribe then check out this post to know more. India is the second-largest country with a tribal...

Celebrate Kailpodh: The Festival of Weapons & Abundance

Are you looking for Kailpodh: The festival of weapons and harvest then check out this post to know more. Located amidst imposing mountains in Karnataka...

Largest #1 Tribe Bhils of Rajasthan

Bhils of Rajasthan Bhils of Rajasthan or bheels is a tribal group that can be found in the western part of India. It is also...

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