What is Jute Craft?
Jute craft is the most popular product and is derived from the fibre of a reed-like plant. Jute is extracted from the fiber of jute tree that is obtained from prolonged soaking in the water, which is a 100% natural and biodegradable fiber.
The Uses of Jute Craft
Jute is the second most popular natural plant fiber and is available in abundance. Jute is in great demand due to its cheapness, softness, length, luster and uniformity of its fiber. It is also called the ‘brown paper bag’ as it is the most used product in store for rice, wheat, grains, etc. It is also called the ‘golden fiber’ due to its versatile nature.
The plant grows to a height of about 3-4 meters and takes up to six months to mature. Once the plant is ready for harvesting, it is cut close, to the ground and left in the ground for a day or two when the leaves shed off. The cut plant is then dipped (absorbed) in water to separate the fiber from the plant.
This process is known as “Retting”. This ‘separated Jute’ is dried and given various forms. The fiber is knit into threads. Sometimes the threads are even weaved to make rags and cloths.

The fibers are used alone or blended with other types of fiber to make ‘twine’ and ‘rope’. ‘Jute butts’, the coarse ends of the plants, are used to make inexpensive cloth.
The Benefits of Jute Craft
Conversely, very fine threads of jute are separated out and made into ‘imitation silk’. The importance of jute fibers for making pulp and paper purposes has also increased over concern of, forest destruction for wood pulp used to make most paper.
Jute has a long history of use in the sackings, carpets, wrapping fabrics (cotton bale), and construction fabric manufacturing industry.
The cleaned fiber, the threads and the rags are all used to make beautiful craft products like bags, rags, carpets, hangings, footwear, coasters, jewellery, showpieces, etc. Some very fine quality jute is also used to make furnishing material and dresses.
Jute Craft in Home Decor
Jute craft is most popular in the South East region of Asia, especially India. These jute crafts (made from jute) are available in all colors as per the choice of the customers. High-grade jute threads are used to make clothes and other items that find extensive demand in the national and international markets.
Jute has many advantages for ‘home textile’ as it is replacing cotton. It is a strong, durable, light-fast fiber.
Its UV protection, sound and heat insulation, low thermal conduction and anti-static properties make it a wise choice in home decor.
Jute Craft for Clothing
Also, fabrics made of jute fibers are carbon-dioxide neutral and naturally decomposable. These properties are also why jute is used in high-performance technical textiles.

Apart from being Eco-friendly, jute crafts give a natural and soothing look. There are lots of jute crafts articles which are being used for decoration purpose worldwide.
Using jute handicrafts not only help our environment but also provide employment to lots of farmers, artisans and traders who are involved in making different types of jute crafts and artifacts.
So next time when you visit a shop to buy some decoratives for your house do prefer items made with jute. They will not only add elegance to your house but will also give a natural look to it.