The people of Daman & Diu are very fond of various forms of cultural activities and a folk dance is one of the primary celebrations out there. The socio-cultural life of Daman & Diu has a multi-faceted character as this region used to be a Portuguese colony once. One can clearly observe the cultural beauty of Diu and Daman that also represents a blend of European and Tribal elements.
Folk Dance Festival
It is a place which is extremely beautiful and also very significantly interesting. Drink, eat, sing and be merry is the motto of the dance festival. It is celebrated with great grandeur and pomp. It is welcomed by both the youth as well as the elderly people.
People and visitors eagerly wait for this festival for it so so joyous and full of enjoyment. The dance forms associated with this festival are Mando, Verdugo, and Vira. Clean roads, tribal nature, the class of the people, work, literature, art, and all are described in the dances.
Photo of Folk Dance Festival

Music and dance play a very significant role in the cultural phenomena of Daman and Diu. The metaphorical amalgamation is highly visible in the cultural dance of that region.
The folk dance festival portrays the life of the Diu people and the theme and dance of the song is based on eating, drinking, singing, and other activities.
In fact, people are so involved in dancing that sometimes they also perform dances in slow motions. The majority of the social customs and rituals are related to the Hindu region.
It is believed that these folk dances not only socially loved but also have an emotional connection with everyone who enjoys it.
These folk dances to preserve the rich cultural heritage making it a perfect destination for visitors and as well as others. Even today these tribal dances are conserved well and are presented widely and also they have a sarcastic social remark which forms as an evergreen trend.