Kerala Matta Rice
Matta Rice is an indigenous kind of rice grown in Kerala in the district of Palakkad in India. It is different from brown rice. Matta rice is usually referred to as Rosematta rice or Kerala Red rice.
It is popular in Southern India and many parts of Sri Lanka. In these areas, it is extensively used in their local food that includes idlis, appam, and plain rice. It is usually combined with meat in the meal where the blend gives an earthy flavor to the meal.
Cultivation of Matta Rice:

Matta rice is grown in the southern states of Karnataka and Kerala in India. Matta rice gives Kerala farmers a premium of Rs. 300 for 500 kg of paddy. Matta rice is cultivated in the dense black cotton soil of the district of Palakkad in Kerala.
These paddy fields are called ‘poonthalpadam‘ and the soil contains a lot of clay and deposit. Because of these qualities, this kind of paddy fields can hold more water.
Nutritional value in Matta Rice:
One cup cooked matta rice contains :
Carbohydrates – 42g (93%)
Fats – 0g (0%)
Proteins – 3g (7%)

Benefits of Matta Rice:
Due to the above nutritional values, it must have remarkable benefits.
a) Nutrient-Rich
Unlike other rice grains, when polished to appear shiny and clean, matta rice does not lose its outer coats and thus retains its nutritional value.
b) Not Just Carbs
Par-boiling this rice helps in recollecting the nutrition so that the meal is not just full of carbohydrates.
c) Best Source of Magnesium
Magnesium, of which matta rice is a great source of, is an important mineral required every day in numerous enzymatic reactions in our body, and its absence can lead to several health conditions.
d) Reduces Risk Of Certain Diseases
Consumption of matta rice reduces the risk of certain cancers and several heart problems as this rice is heart-friendly due to negligible fat contents and cholesterol, keeping the risk of blood clots away.
e) Decrease Risk Of Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most predominant long-lasting diseases that affects many, including children. Unrestrained Type 2 Diabetes can impair the quality of life due to morbidity. But matta rice treats this effectively by protection from developing insulin resistance and enhancing optimum glucose uptake.
f) Meets Your Daily Fiber Requirement
Matta rice meets your daily fiber requirement to help our digestion. As it is rich in fiber, it helps to keep our digestive system running efficiently. Fiber helps add volume and smoothness to our defecation system.
g) Source Of Vitamins A And B
Matta rice’s nutrient-rich coat contains substantial amounts of Vitamin A, and some forms of Vitamin B. These are really vital for maintaining many systems of your body and living healthy.
h) Great Source Of Calcium
Matta rice facilitates a great source of Calcium. From playing a vigorous role in growth during childhood to being a decisive constituent in muscle health and function, calcium also keeps our bones and teeth strong and healthy.
Specially vital for women post-menopause, Matta rice matches the diet with a good amount of calcium, protecting one from painful and bulky diseases such as Osteoporosis and weakened bones.
Considering all these benefits, one can say that Matta rice just doesn’t complement food tastes but also provides several good health benefits.