Karpaka Vinayakar Temple is located at pillaiyar patti, Thiruppatthur, Tamil Nadu. This is one of the ancient rock-cut shrines dedicated to Lord Ganesh. According to Agama texts found on stones of the temple, it might be built between 1091 to 1238.
However there are different inscriptions that date further back to 4th century AD, so there is no exact date when this temple was built as we find different aspects like vimanams, rajagopurams, inscriptions etc. stating different times period. Pillaiyar is the Tamil name of Lord Ganesh (lord of wisdom).
Karpaka Vinayakar Temple
Lord Vinayagar is portrayed with his trunk curled towards the right and with two arms unlike 4 arms, overall 6 feet image. As this is stone cut and is located in the cave, there is no provision of doing pradikshana (circumambulation) the Whole idol is coated with gold, it is only when the holy bath is performed one can see its original form.
Pillayarpatti Karpaga Vinayagar Temple
Sivagangai District, Koothadipatti, Pillayarpatti, Tamil Nadu 630207