Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving: The walnut trees of Kashmir known as ‘Doon Kul’ have seen the love, giggles, mischief and various such emotions of generation after generations since this tree is cut only after it has reached an age of 300.
It is the raw material for the woodcarving in Kashmir and the tree is special because of various reasons. Firstly, this wood is available only in Kashmir, secondly it is hard and durable, thirdly it has even texture facilitating fine and minute carving, and the list goes on.
Usually the wood from the root is used for carving because of it being almost black and is very strong and thus most expensive. But these days, people have started using the trunk too because of shortage but it is lighter and thus not very efficient.
After the wood is cut, they are numbered and piled and the gaps between the layers of plank allows air passage helping in seasoning process which goes on for 1 to 4years. After seasoning, the wood is sent to the carpenter to be used to make the desired objects. The entire process is carried out in the shade.
Kashmiri Walnut Woodcarving: A Legacy of ‘Doon Kul’
The walnut trees of Kashmir, known as ‘Doon Kul,’ have witnessed generations of emotions, as they are only cut after reaching 300 years of age. This wood is the raw material for Kashmiri Walnut Woodcarving.
The Unique Qualities of ‘Doon Kul’ for Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving
This wood is special for several reasons. Firstly, it is exclusive to Kashmir. Secondly, it is hard and durable. Thirdly, it has an even texture, enabling fine and minute carving. The root wood, almost black and very strong, is the most expensive. Due to shortages, trunk wood is also used, though it is lighter and less efficient.
Processing ‘Doon Kul’ for Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving
After cutting, the wood is numbered and piled. The gaps between the planks facilitate air passage for a 1 to 4-year seasoning process. Seasoned wood is then sent to carpenters for crafting. The entire process takes place in the shade.
The Art of Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving: Techniques
The dismantled pieces are brought for carving, beginning with pencil inscriptions of the design. Kashmiri Walnut Woodcarving involves five main steps: Undercut, Deep carving, Open or Lattice work, Semi carving, and Shallow carving.
Designs and Finishes in Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving
Designs are inspired by Kashmir’s four seasons, flowers, dragons, jungle scenes, and more. Polishing the walnut wood with wax reveals its inherent sheen.
The Economic Impact of Kashmir Walnut Woodcarving
The booming market for this wood has generated significant wealth, though the artisans have faced setbacks due to caste differences.
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