Guru Industries is, perhaps, the oldest furniture manufacturer in Jodhpur. Established in 1947, it has marched on, never looking back. The focus on exports...
Gora Exports has been manufacturing memorabilia for the defense forces, police and other organizations that has the tradition of presenting these to their personnel...
Manish Mehta is into manufacturing several kinds of products: gift, home décor, household utility, garden accessories and furniture. Some of the items created from...
The manufacturer also recycles wood, mostly takSunil Bhadari’s company manufactures only hand-crafted products exclusively for the overseas market. Though buyers have preferences in design...
Creative Point has a vast range of handcrafted products and processes that it is meant for niche clientele and marketing is merely through word-of-mouth....
Climpex, established in 1991, is a 100 percent export oriented unit, manufacturing wooden/iron furniture and handicrafts. They have everything in-house in its 45,000 sq...