Pressed Flower Craft is done by drying of flowers and leaves by flattening them to make them devoid of moisture. This craft has become very famous in the recent times and is done in multiple ways.
Pressed flowers are popularly just framed or stored. But since ancient times, this art was used on furniture to decorate and give it a realistic approach. This technique is called Decoupage. Popularly, it is used to decorate festive or welcome cards.
Decoupage art in India
These can also be mounted on various kinds of fabrics too. They are also used in candles, clocks, phone cases, bottles, trays, etc. Flowers that press the best are Rose of Sharon, Pansies, Dahlias, Larkspur, Cosmos, Coreopsis, Verbenas, French marigolds, Zinnias, Nicotiana and Borage.

Pressing of flowers is a tricky business but the outcomes can astonish one too. First, the flowers and petals are collected according to the need. It is better to pick them on a sunny day rather than a rainy one.
Chosen ones are then placed between two parchment papers to absorb moisture and placed inside a book with weight above. Now, this can be kept for two to three weeks for natural pressing or can be taken out after some time and ironed with the parchment paper itself. After this, what we receive are beautiful pressed flowers. Although how much the colours would be preserved is dicey.
Since various forms of artists have come up with a variety of innovative fashion ideas; one such idea is of Mod Podge! Mod Podge has a glue-like texture but when poured over something and let to dry becomes clear preserving the inside material.
Thus, pressed flowers or leaves and placed in ornamental moulds. Mod Podge is poured over. Once dried it takes the shape of the desired ornament with a transparent look giving it a gorgeous clear appearance. Most famous are pendants, bracelets, and earrings.