Bengaluru, Kris Gopalakrishnan, co-founder of Infosys, has been booked under the SC/ST Atrocities Act alongside 17 other individuals in a significant case involving caste-based discrimination and a fake honey trap at the prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The case, filed by Professor D. Sanna Durgappa, a former faculty member at IISc, has raised concerns about caste bias within academic institutions.
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What Happened: Allegations of Casteist Abuse and Dismissal
In a formal complaint lodged on January 27, 2025, Professor D. Sanna Durgappa, a former faculty member at the Centre for Sustainable Technology at IISc, accused Gopalakrishnan and other senior IISc staff of orchestrating a honey trap to dismiss him from his post.
Durgappa, a member of the Bovi community (a Scheduled Caste), claims he was subjected to caste-based abuse, threats, and harassment that led to his wrongful termination in 2014.
The accusations have prompted serious scrutiny over caste discrimination at one of India’s leading institutions. Durgappa alleges that the false honey trap was created as part of a broader conspiracy to damage his reputation and career, with casteist remarks and threats used as tools of oppression.
Key Individuals Involved in the Case
The case includes high-profile individuals such as Kris Gopalakrishnan, the co-founder of Infosys, and Prof. P. Balaram, the former Director of IISc, as part of the accused group.
Gopalakrishnan, whose name is internationally recognized due to his significant role in the tech industry, is now at the center of a legal case involving caste-based discrimination and wrongful termination.
The role of these individuals in the alleged conspiracy is still under investigation, with police set to question Gopalakrishnan, Prof. Balaram, and other senior IISc staff about their involvement.
Legal Action: SC/ST Atrocities Act Applied
In line with the seriousness of the allegations, the SC/ST Atrocities Act has been invoked in this case. This law is designed to prevent discrimination, harassment, and violence against people belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, ensuring legal recourse for victims of caste-based discrimination.
The Sadashivanagar police registered the case after a directive from the 71st City Civil and Sessions Court, which ordered an investigation into the claims made by Durgappa.
The case was registered on January 27, 2025, and is currently under investigation. If proven, the accused individuals could face severe penalties under the SC/ST Atrocities Act.
Caste Discrimination in Academic Institutions: The IISc Case
This case has shone a spotlight on the persistence of caste-based discrimination even in prestigious academic environments. Despite legal safeguards, caste bias remains a significant issue in many professional and educational settings in India.
The accusations against Gopalakrishnan and IISc staff suggest that caste discrimination is not confined to rural areas but extends to elite institutions that should ideally be paragons of meritocracy and equality.
The case of Durgappa highlights the systemic nature of casteist abuse, where people from marginalized communities continue to face challenges in their professional lives due to caste-based prejudice.
It is a reminder of the need for stronger measures to combat caste discrimination in India’s educational and professional institutions.
Public Reaction and the Fight for Justice
The news of the case has sparked widespread debate, particularly from human rights groups and social justice advocates.
Many are calling for a comprehensive investigation into the matter and urging IISc and other academic institutions to address the issue of caste discrimination more seriously.
Advocates for marginalized communities in India argue that this case serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by people from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, particularly in spaces like education and employment.
The legal proceedings could set an important precedent for the handling of caste-based harassment in the future.
What’s Next: Ongoing Investigations and Legal Proceedings
As the investigation continues, the Sadashivanagar police are collecting evidence related to the fake honey trap and caste-based threats alleged by Durgappa.
The outcome of the investigation could have wide-reaching implications, not only for the individuals involved but also for the broader conversation on caste bias in India.
If the allegations are proven, the case could significantly impact the practices at IISc and other academic institutions across India, encouraging institutions to implement more robust measures against caste discrimination.
Conclusion: A Landmark Case in India’s Fight Against Caste Discrimination
The case involving Kris Gopalakrishnan and the SC/ST Atrocities Act marks an important moment in the ongoing fight against caste-based discrimination in India.
It brings attention to the challenges faced by individuals from marginalized communities in elite institutions and underscores the need for stronger legal frameworks and institutional reforms to ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of caste.
As the investigation moves forward, the SC/ST Atrocities Act could serve as a critical tool in holding individuals accountable for acts of caste-based violence and harassment.
The case could also help catalyze more extensive changes in the way India’s educational and professional institutions handle caste discrimination.